By Jennifer Newman, PhD Have you felt judged, been criticized, offered suggestions, or given unsolicited advice that you don’t need, at a time you are barely making it through the day? ... Know that you are not alone. Don’t fall prey to the hype. Don’t read the blogs, the social media posts, the interviews, the books that make you believe you are doing it all wrong. Don’t shame scroll on social media to feel bad that you haven’t baked, crafted, or walked together today holding hands. Don’t buy into the fantasy picture of parenting during a pandemic ... It’s not real. Do know that others are struggling. Others are praying they can drop their kids off today. Others have given up on any balance. Others do not remember the last time their child bathed. Others have relied on giving devices to their child for a moment of sanity. Others have yelled. Have cried. Have stayed up all night to get some alone time. Have run out of energy. Have sneaked snacks when no one was watching …. The demands are beyond what anyone could possibly do, and you are doing your best, every day. And, your best likely is different than it was before, and that is OK.
And, hopefully, you have found some laughter. Moments of connection and joy. Some community that gets it. A second to yourself … Hopefully, you have found a place of clarity about what is really realistic, and forgiveness for yourself that you just can’t do it all. If you haven’t heard it today, this week, this month, or ever, I want you to know you are doing a good job. You are not messing up your child for life. Your child will be OK. You will too … You are a good enough parent, and that is enough. Sending all of you rock star parents who are keeping your families healthy and safe during this pandemic all of the love and support your way. Yours in true support, Dr. Jen Comments are closed.
December 2024