Limited-Time Availability of Short-Term or Intensive EMDR Sessions to Augment Existing Therapy7/17/2023
Jennifer Newman, PhD Dr. Jennifer Newman has limited availability this summer to serve clients who would benefit from short-term or intensive EMDR sessions. EMDR may offer an important add-on component to your therapeutic journey. It is a form of processing that can quickly uncover and connect many different experiences that link to trauma, anxiety, and stress that is being held in your body or mind. Sessions with Dr. Newman should be considered an augmentation to existing therapy, designed to unlock aspects of trauma that may have remained hidden during your current course of treatment. She will closely collaborate with your primary therapist so you can benefit from processing what you’ve learned through EMDR in regular therapy sessions. WHEN: Dr. Newman has limited-time availability during August 2023. HOW: Short-term (typically 2-3 45-minute sessions), or 3-4 hour intensive sessions. WHO: Patients who are currently in trauma treatment with a trusted therapist who can benefit from limited, add-on EMDR treatment Call (646) 609-6323 or email info@jandlpsychology now to discuss if EMDR could help, and schedule a session before Dr. Newman's schedule fills again. WHAT IS EMDR?: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is an approach to therapy that involves recalling distressing thoughts, images, feelings and/or body sensations while simultaneously focusing on an external stimulus. Often the external stimuli are a series of side-to-side eye movements or hand-tapping. This approach assists with processing memories by allowing patients to focus both on the associations related to these recollections and the bilateral stimulation, commonly in the form of repeated eye movements. EMDR therapy does not require talking about distressing details to process traumatic events. EMDR has evidence for use in treatment of trauma, depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions and can be used in adults and children. Watch the video below to hear Dr. Newman talk about the process. |
December 2024